英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 16:09:00

at a blow

英 [æt ə bləu]

美 [æt e blo]

  • 网络解释

1. 立即:assume a new aspect 面貌一新 | at a blow 立即 | at a dash 一气呵成

2. 一举, 一下子:82-blow n.殴打, 突然的打击 | at a blow 一举, 一下子 | at one blow 一举, 一下子

3. 一下子,一举:at a bad time of year在全年不好的时节里: | at a blow一下子,一举: | We solved all the problems at a single blow. 我们一下子就把那所有问题解决了.

4. at a blow

4. 一举,以下子:Blow up起飞,充气,大怒 | 60. At a blow一举,以下子 | Give sb. a blow给某人打击

  • 临近词

England has seemed a nation almost at war. The unrest is a blow to the police, caught flat-footed and unable to ensure order.(英国看上去就像一个战乱的城市,这次动乱对于将警署杀了个措手不及:他们无法维持秩序。)
Gusty winds may blow out of a thunderstorm at speed in excess of 75 miles an hour.(阵风可以以每小时75英里以上的速度从雷暴中吹出。)
Do you think that could be anything to a man who has struck down seven at one blow?(你认为一口气打死七个的人会抓不住一根小树枝吗?)
He also had stab trauma on his right hand and a bruise at the head that possibly resulted from a blow to the head.(他的右手上也有刺伤,同时头部有一处伤痕,头部的伤痕可能是由撞击造成的。)
A thousand men lost their jobs at a blow when the factory closed.(工厂倒闭,一下子有一千人失业。)
It is a sign of neither courage nor power to shoot rockets at sleeping children, or to blow up old women on a bus.(向熟睡的孩子发射火箭,或在公交车上炸死一位老妇人,既不是勇敢,也不是力量的象征。)
And target-date funds -- even those designed for investors on the brink of retirement -- dealt investors a blow as all their supposedly diversified holdings seemed to go down at once.(而目标日期基金也给了投资者沉重打击,其持有的资产号称多样化,但似乎同时下跌,即便是专门针对即将退休的投资者的基金也未能幸免。)
I meant to flash my work upon the world with crushing effect, to became famous at a blow.(我想以压倒一切的效果把我的工作公诸于世,使我一举成名。)
The pirates captured the ship and a ton of gold at a blow.(海盗们闪电般取了船和一吨黄金。)
After blow-drying your hair at night, put it up in a high, loose bun on the top of your head, secure with a clip, then go to sleep.(晚上吹干头发后,将头发在头顶挽成一个松松的发髻,再用卡子固定好,就可以放心去睡大觉了。)
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